Lets know what is Danish pastry products and contents:
From Wikipedia:
Danish pastry such as croissants, danishes are made of laminated yeast-leavened dough's, creating a layered texture similar to a puff pastry.
In industrial production, other fats are also commonly used, such as hydrogenated sunflower oil (known as "pastry fat" in the UK). A yeast dough is rolled out thinly, coated with butter, and then folded into numerous layers. If necessary, the dough is chilled to ease handling. The rolling, buttering, folding, and chilling is repeated several times to create a dough which is fluffy, buttery and flaky. However, not all danishes are made this way. The dough is sometimes not even laminated.
Nutritional facts and nutrition values of different types of danish pastry
Danish pastry
Per 1 medium - Calories: 262kcal | Fat: 14.56g | Carbohydrates:
28.99g | Protein: 4.55g
Other sizes: 1 small or frozen - 141kcal, 1 large - 572kcal,
1 pastry - 1370kcal
Cinnamon Danish pastry (Enriched)
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 262kcal | Fat: 14.56g | Carbohydrates:
28.99g | Protein: 4.55g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 114kcal, 1 large - 572kcal, 1 small or
frozen - 141kcal
Cheese Danish pastry
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 266kcal | Fat: 15.55g | Carbohydrates:
26.41g | Protein: 5.68g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 106kcal, 100 g - 374kcal
Fruit Danish pastry (Includes Apple, Cinnamon, Raisin, Lemon,
Raspberry, Strawberry, Enriched)
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 263kcal | Fat: 13.14g | Carbohydrates:
33.94g | Protein: 3.83g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 105kcal, 1 large - 527kcal, 1 small or
frozen - 130kcal
Nut Danish pastry (Includes Almond, Raisin Nut, Cinnamon Nut)
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 280kcal | Fat: 16.38g | Carbohydrates:
29.70g | Protein: 4.62g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 122kcal, 1 piece - 228kcal, 100 g - 430kcal
Cinnamon Danish pastry
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 262kcal | Fat: 14.56g | Carbohydrates:
28.99g | Protein: 4.55g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 114kcal, 1 large - 572kcal, 1 small or
frozen - 141kcal
Fruit Danish pastry (Includes Apple, Cinnamon, Raisin, Lemon,
Raspberry, Strawberry)
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 263kcal | Fat: 13.14g | Carbohydrates:
33.94g | Protein: 3.83g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 105kcal, 1 container - 527kcal, 1 small
or frozen - 130kcal
Lemon Danish pastry
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 263kcal | Fat: 13.14g | Carbohydrates:
33.94g | Protein: 3.83g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 105kcal, 100 g - 371kcal
Raspberry Danish pastry
Per 1 pastry - Calories: 263kcal | Fat: 13.14g | Carbohydrates:
33.94g | Protein: 3.83g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 105kcal, 100 g - 371kcal
How can Danish Pastry cause coronary heart disease?
Hence only 65 grams of fats is allowed during the whole day to avoid heart attacks for patients who receive drugs for hear diseases and also represents a risk for people who love to eat danish pastry so much, because 3 pieces of danish pastry have more than 100 grams of fats, this will lead to high cholesterol level in your blood and High levels in the bloodstream are associated with hardening of the arteries, premature coronary heart disease and many other vascular disease problems, the matter that considered out of range of allowed fat in you dietary.
Also danish pastry is one of foods that could cause obesity for children because of Hidden fat. Be aware of the hidden fat in your diet. Danish pastries and cookies have large amounts of oil and fat. A muffin could add 4 or 5 teaspoons of fat to your diet.
Instead of danish pastry you may Eat more fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits contain very little fat. They are full of nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants.
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