Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heart disease and barley

Barley Appreciably lowering risk of developing coronary heart disease, subjects who ate two and a half servings of whole grains of barley every day experienced a 21 percent decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease, Barley it could be an cheap alternative of expensive Heart drugs therapy.

What are the daily limits of Nutrients in our food? Based on a 2000 Calorie Intake; for Adults and Children 4 or More Years of Age)
Nutrient                                                               Daily Values            Unit of Measure
Total Fat                                                             65                              grams (g)
Saturated fatty acids                                           20                             grams (g)
Cholesterol                                                          300                           milligrams (mg)
Total carbohydrate                                              300                           grams (g)
Fiber                                                                   25                             grams (g)
Protein                                                                50                             grams (g)
Some Nutrition Facts in various barley types: Pearled Barley (Cooked) Per 1 cup - Calories: 193kcal | Fat: 0.69g | Carbohydrates: 44.31g | Protein: 3.55g
Other sizes: 1 oz - 35kcal, 1 lb - 558kcal, 100 g - 123kcal,
Barley Per 1 cup of cooked - Calories: 198kcal | Fat: 0.71g | Carbohydrates: 45.51g | Protein: 3.64g
Other sizes: 1 cup, dry, yields - 900kcal, 1 oz, dry, yields - 131kcal, 1 serving - 133kcal,
Barley (Fat Not Added in Cooking) Per 1 cup of cooked - Calories: 198kcal | Fat: 0.71g | Carbohydrates: 45.51g | Protein: 3.64g
Other sizes: 1 cup, dry, yields - 900kcal, 1 oz, dry, yields - 131kcal, 1 serving - 133kcal,
Pearled Barley (Publix) Per 1/4 cup - Calories: 100kcal | Fat: 0.00g | Carbohydrates: 24.00g | Protein: 3.00g
100% Natural Barley (Mother's) Per 1/3 cup - Calories: 160kcal | Fat: 0.50g | Carbohydrates: 37.00g | Protein: 5.00g

Interpretation of nutrition content and influence on incidence of coronary heart disease:

Hence the CHD developed from accumulated LDL in blood vascular, and hence the LDL is the main responsible factor in blood clotting disorders, and major lipoprotein affect heart and cause inflammation.
The vast majority of barely contain Fatty content ranged from 0.00 upto 75 grams while the daily allowed fats about 65 Grams, that tell us you are safe of heart attacks when taking barley products.

Is barley good alternative for drugs of coronary heart disease?

Due to great Fibre content of Barley it could be a good alternative medicine because the viscous fiber in barley also has a lower glycemic index, which promotes slower digestion and this might reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. Patients who ate low-glycemic viscous fiber such as barley demonstrated significant decreases in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

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